How it Works
We specialize in two service areas that simplify your business
You can expect to have a flat monthly rate, a cross trained staff, and 24 hour turnaround time for your compliance auditing needs. Which means, you know what we cost each month, we have backup auditors on hand to cover any illness or vacations, and we audit files each day to ensure files are cleared out to zero. Our team is here to leverage the brokerage staff's time so they can focus more on growth activities!
Compliance Auditing
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest.
Accounting Leverage
How it Works For The Agent
Agent Submits Paperwork
The Agent submits their file to our compliance auditing team for review.
REtransX Reviews Paperwork
Within 24 hours their file will be reviewed and sent back to them, letting the agent know if their file is approved or needs corrections.
Once the office receives the agent's check, the office will confirm that they have everything completed, and the Agent gets paid!
Agent Gets Paid
How it Works For The Office
Office Receives Paperwork
The office receives a check for the Agent.
REtransX Reviews Paperwork
They check on the agent’s file and see if everything has been completed.
Office Pays Agent
If everything is completed they can pay the agent!